Image of two elementary education besties!

My First Free Inquiry Vlog – Great Video Must Watch!!
I feel as though colour contrast is frequently overlooked classrooms. As an upcoming teacher, I always try to make my slideshows/ lessons engaging and colorful. However, after learning about color contrast, I’ve realized that if there isn’t enough contrast between the text and the background, students might struggle to read it. I feel as though, I often forget to prioritize this accessibility practice, when I focus on creating a themed background, which can make it challenging for some students to engage with the material.

I believe that many digital accessibility practices arent well-known simply due to the fact that teachers don’t receive training on accessible digital tools or how to create inclusive online materials in the classroom. As a result, these might get overlooked. Additionally, the lack of technological funding in public districts and or certain schools makes it more difficult for teachers to use digital accessibility practices. I believe that we often overlook things that we take granted for, such as coulour contrast, speech to text etc.. But just because we do not require these digital accessibility tools doesnt mean that we shouldnt raise awareness and provide more professional development for teachers to ensure that all students have equal access to digital learning environments.
Gooood Morning Little Miss Sunshine!
I really like how you added a video about why digital accessibility is important. I think it is super cool that you added two opinions on this importance (yours and others). I really enjoyed your “Meet the cohort”, it is super cute! I think something you could add to your blog is some headings or titles before going into your opinion on the weekly questions and maybe centre your images.
Overall, your blog is so cutie girl slay.
Big hearts – Lottie