Welcome to my last inquiry vlog (except its not a vlog)!

I really enjoyed stepping outside of my comfort zone with this free inquiry project and challenging myself to be creative and video in public. In the beginning, I had no clue as to how to even go about vlogging but after watching many different day in my life as a student vlogs I learned to pick up on the main concepts. Throughout my experience, I got new mini clip-on microphones that work amazingly outdoors or in public areas. I also went through a couple different editing apps until I finally found the editing app for me! I started off editing my vlogs off of iMovie on my computer and although its a great beginner friendly tool I found that it doesn’t have the best editing tools, or templates, or songs that I can use. Soon after, I found CapCut which I will continue to be using! I found that this editing platform offers a lot more soundtracks, and intro templates and even has a tool that can cut out background noise that your microphone has captured. The one downside about this I will say is that in order to be able to access all of these tools you do need to pay yearly for a membership but I believe that it’s worth it if you are someone that vlogs or makes videos often. Overall, I would say that I completed all of my vlogs successfully and included different forms of multimedia tools in each one, but I definitely underestimated the amount of time it takes to edit each video!
An article about the evolution of vlogging on social media